A Brief History of Our YMCA
The Hartsville YMCA began in 1985 as a shoestring operation with one employee and some used equipment. In 1988, it moved to its current location in the historic Coker Department Store building. In 1998, the Y completed an extension and renovation project that resulted in a 55,000 square foot full facility.
The Chesterfield YMCA branch opened in 2006.
The YMCA of the Upper Pee Dee now serves 6,895 members. Another 10,659 non-members used Y services and programs in the 2009 calendar year. In that year, we also provided 737 member scholarships and 2,073 program schoalrships for a total of $122,615 in financial assistance back to our communities.
The Y offers more than 100 on-going programs and services to its communities each year.
Our Mission
To put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all.